Welcome to Fond du Lac branch

Welcome to our Fond du Lac AAUW chapter website! As we look ahead to another exciting year, I’m filled with gratitude for our wonderful community of women who work tirelessly to support education and empower girls and women in our area.

Our upcoming year promises to be a special one, as we take on a program that explores the theme of Latinos in Wisconsin and their invaluable contributions to our rural communities. I’m looking forward to our get-togethers where we’ll learn, share, and celebrate the rich cultural tapestry that makes our state so vibrant.

I can’t help but beam with pride when I think of our dedicated members. These amazing women pour their hearts into our annual book sale, which allows us to continue our mission of providing scholarships to deserving women and girls in Fond du Lac. Speaking of which, mark your calendars for Spring 2025 – we’ll be hosting our 62nd annual book sale! It’s hard to believe we’ve been at it for over six decades, but that just goes to show the enduring spirit of our community.

As an independent chapter of the American Association of University Women (AAUW), we’re proud to carry out our own governance while being part of a larger national movement. This connection allows us to make a difference right here at home while also contributing to a broader mission of advancing equity for women and girls.

To our members, supporters, and scholarship recipients – thank you for being part of this journey. Together, we’re making a real difference in the lives of women and girls in Fond du Lac, one scholarship at a time.

Here’s to another year of learning, growing, and uplifting each other!

Warmly, Fanny Behrens,  President, Fond du Lac AAUW Chapter

    Fanny Behrens, branch president